Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello Sunshine

Bean arrived today at 13:50 (London time)

Name: Cian Thomas John (Surname)
Weight: 7lb 2oz

Mum and baby doing well, everyone is exhausted after 2 days with no sleep but so very delighted. I'm in a state of delerium. I must sleep but here are some pix:


Tigger said...

WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see that "bean" has arrived safe and sound, and no induction was necessary. AND that he now has a name.

Welcome to the world, Cian!

Stephanie said...

Congrats! You guys make a beautiful family.

dmarie said...

Congrats!! Beautiful :)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

God my computer shits itself for 2 weeks and I come back on and there are bubs born all over the place!!!!

Just beautiful!
Congratulations to you all. You ar both very clever! :)
