Wednesday, November 28, 2007

All apologies - Part 2

Everything is good, here come the excuses

Laptop trauma - ruined hard drive, not able to blog from work but now back in the saddle.

Job trauma - Company purchased a competitor, period of 'alignment' caught in the middle as an employee rep, found out today that job is secure. phew

Cian is doing really well, full post to follow soon.

Take care everyone xxx


lola said...

oh my what a perfectly adorable boy you have there! I have been seriously absent ever since the arrival of my girls but I am SO thrilled for you. Please pass along my congratulations to Mrs Blue Sky!


Tigger said...

I'm so happy to see a post! I was about to report you to Mel as closed, when I decided to double-check. :) What a pretty baby!!! I'm glad to see that things are stable once more (aside from the laptop) - hopefully this means you'll be blogging more? :) Yeah, yeah, I'm a pest. *HUG*

Brenda said...

Great to read all is going well. Very cute pic!
